Thursday, October 20, 2011

Today's Lift

1. Dynamic Effort Box Buffalo Bar Squat: 10x2 @ 60% roughly with Yellow Bands and 30 second break
2. Buffalo Bar Goodmornings: 5x5
3a. GHR Situps: 3x10
3b. Hip Flips onto 10 in box: 3x5
3c. Barbell Shrugs: 3x10-15
4a. Situps: 100 reps
4b. DB Curls: 4x10

Again. killed the abs because my abs are weak.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, write your weights in... We should use this as a way to push each other. Even if we aren't doing to the same thing in the same place we can still try to compete against each other and help motivate one another.
