Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quick check in

Been MIA and stupid busy but training is going right according to plan for the meet next saturday. I will update tomorrow after my squat session.

Mens Lax 11/30/11

Warm up: Sho Combo, KB Swings, Hip Flips

1. Box Squat: 60%8, 70%x6, 80%x5, 87%x 3, 87%x3, 87%x3
2. Banded Tear Aparts 3x20
3. RDL: 3x20
4. Reverse Hyper: 3x10
5. Pile Off Press: 3x10
6. BB Shrugs: 3x10
7. Lat Band Combo: 3x10

Nicks Lift for 11/28/11

Box Squat:  4 Warm up sets then 4x1 @ 90% followed by 2x10 @ 60%
Reverse Flies: 3x12
Hammer Curls: 3x10
200 Situps

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Today's lift
1. Hang Cleans: 4 x 3
2. Good Mornings: 4 x 5
3. 30 Rep GluteHam
4. 50 Rep DB Row: reach 50 total
5. Hammer Curls 3x10
6. Reverse Fly: 3 x 10

Monday, November 21, 2011

11/20/11 Box Squat

Box Squat: worked up to 555.
Glute Ham: 3x10
DB Rows: 3x15
Reverse Flies: 3x10

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dead lifts 11.20.11

It is amazing what a day of complete rest, and recovery work can do for one's training. I woke up this morning not feeling the greatest, had a shake and hit the road all within about 20 minutes. As I got to PITT I just flipped a switch and was ready to roll. Warmed up and hit the platform. All my sets were crisp and fast and my accessory work went awesome. This next week of lower volume will definitely recharge my batteries and send me on the path for a great meet.

1. Deads 5x1@90%ish - 495x1x5
2. SSB Squats - 135, 225, 275, 315, 345 all x5 nice and smooth
3a. Hammer High Row - 3x12
3b. Hammer Low Row (supinated) - 3x12
3c. Rev Hyper - 3x15

Will be doing abs and more stretching and mobility work this afternoon. Today was a great day!

Friday, November 18, 2011

DE Bench 11.18.11

Safe to say today that I am officially over-trained. The last 2 weeks have been torturous and I still have one more day of concentrated loading. I was having a huge issue today with lateral elbow epicondyle tightness all up my bicep. Needless to say I pushed through dispute the pain, used some Blue Heat and kept the party going.

1. DE Bench (doubled mini) - 6x3 @50% (185)
2a. 3Board Press - 315x3, 345x3, 365x2 (Elbow cramped up really bad)
2/3b. Chins (dif Grips) - 5x8
3a. DB Bench - 110x10, 130x6, 130x5
4a. Single arm light band press down - 5x12
4b. Elevated Row (Supinated) - 5x10
5a. GHR Situps with plate - 4x10
5b. Average band face pull - 3x25

I did a lot for how bad I felt, hit most of my reps but didn't set any PRs. I feel like a train hit me. Hopefully it is all worth it! tomorrow will be a day of REST!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Xtra 11.17.11

So I did some extra today and feel pretty good. I am extremely sore, as this concentrated load is definitely taking its toll on me. I do want to add to what Nick said in his previous post. When your goals are to help others be as good as they can be, your personal needs sometimes fall by the wayside. Being able to persevere and manage your time in a manner which allows you to get everything done is a very daunting task. Eventually you will find or make the time and achieve the balance in your life you desire. It just takes time. Stick with it brother, its all worth it and you know it!

1. Rumble Roller
2. Stretch Hips!!!!
3. Hip/ Glute prehab and rehab
4a. KB Swing x15
4b. Ropes x30s
4c. MB Slams x10
4d. Backpedal broken treadmill x50 steps
4e. Hanging knee raises x15
** repeat 5times
5. Band Stretch

I am going to really be focusing in on my hip mobility in the coming weeks. I am having an issue with staying tight out of the hole. I am also join to be lowering my bar position in an attempt to fix this issue. I have no doubt it will.

Check in tomorrow for DE Bench

Lifting is gone

Since taking over the responsibility for mens basketball, I have gone from lifting 4-5 times a week to 1-2 times a week.
Am slowly adjusting my eating.
I got on a bench today and repped 315 for 10, so i still have strength.
hopefully I can figure out the best way to manage this life.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ME Squats!!! 11.16.11

Today was weird, had ups and downs. Some things need some tweaking and I need to work on my form some.

1. Squats - 515x1, 545x0 (wraps slipped down), 545x0 (clip broke and weights fell off the bar FML), 525x1 raw
2. drop down singles - 6x1 @93% - 490... went a bit heavier cause i was pissed
3. Speed Pulls - 6x1 @60%
4a. GHR - 3x10
4b. Elevated Row - 5x12
4c. BB Shrugs - 5x15

Hamstrings are very tight, not feeling so hot. I need to work on staying more upright while squatting. From now on I will be squatting in my Oly shoes bc depth was an issue for me with heavier weights. Tested this out by videoing some sets with chucks, and oly shoes. The results are a clear choice for oly shoes. I am not too pissed about today, but I do think I should have gotten a better number. I am stronger than what i showed today.

Xtra 11.16.11

Today I did some extra stuff to try to loosen up. My body is very stiff from last weeks volume.

1. rumble roller, stretching
2. hip/ glute rehab/prehab
3a. 30s rope
3b. 30s forward, 30s back on treadmill
3c. 45s plank
3d. 10 MB throws for height
Did this 5x

Monday, November 14, 2011

ME Bench 11.14.11

Yesterday I did nothing... and I mean nothing! LOL

Today was max bench. I had in my head the number 370. This is the number i based all my dynamic work off of and I wanted to beat it so bad! Didn't go totally as planned but I feel good about it.

1. Bench - up to 365x1, 375x0x2
2a. drop down singles - 93%x1x6 (345)
2/3b. Chins (dif grips) - 2x15 bw, 2x10 1 chain, 2x5 2 chain, 4x10 bw - 100reps
3a. DB Floor press - 4x6
4a. DB Rollback - 3x8
4b. Blast Strap I/Y/T/A - 3x5ea
5a. Palloff press - 3x10
5b. Hammer Curls 3x10

Feeling sore as shit! Ready for a recovery day tomorrow

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Deadlifts 11.12.11

Yesterday was a true Max Effort dead lift session. I pulled from a 3" deficit and had a great lift. Mental focus, energy and intensity were all there. Form was good until the last set, but it isn't true max effort until form breaks down. Ready for a nice day of studying and recovery work.

1. 3" deficit dead lifts - up to 545x1
2. Close stance SSB low box squat - 4x5
3a. Reverse Hyper - 3x15
3b. DB Row - 4x8
4a. DB Shrugs - 3x12 with 1sec hold
4b. Black Band Pull Down abs - 3x12

Friday, November 11, 2011

DE Bench 11.11.11

Just want to start this post by saying that we should all be thankful for those who sacrifice their lives everyday for the freedom of their home countries. We will always remember.

Today was interesting. Speed work went great, accessories were hit and miss. I am feeling very drained at the end of the week, and it seems to be affecting me more than I thought.

1 - DE Bench (mini) - 8x3 @45%
2a - DB Bench - 2x8, 1x5 cause I suck lol
2b - Pullups -5x8
3a - JM Press - 3x8
3b - Seated Row - 3x20
4a - GHR Rotational Abs - 3x8/side
4b - Orange band press down - 3x50

Look forward to deads this weekend! I feel right where I need to be in terms of my prep. Will be interesting to see how the next couple weeks go.

Xtra 11.10.11

My Hamstring was really tight from squats the day before so I did a lot of prehab, and some other random stuff.
1 - rumble roller
2 - stretch hips/ glutes/ hams/ pecs/ lats
3a - band lateral walk 3x20ea
3b - horizontal band pull aparts 3x20
4a - band forward and back walk 3x20 ea
4b - band vertical pull apart 3x20
5a - box jump 6x3
5b - upper body stretching 6x
6a - band hamstring curls 4x25

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11/10/11 Squat Cluster

Squat Cluster:
              30 second break
              30 second break
              2 minute break and onto 73%
               30 second break
               30 second break
405x 3
              2 minute break and onto 79%
             30 second break
            30 second break
            2 minute break and onto 85%
           30 second break
           30 second break
DEATH from a total of 36 reps and a load of 12605

Onto Sumo Deadlift cluster
Same Concept
30 second Breaks and 2 minutes breaks
405 x 3x 3
440 x 3x 3
supposed to do 500 x 3 x 3
but stuck at 440 x 3 x 3

3x6 Glute Hams
3x10 Reverse Fly

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Sorry I have not posted in a while, but I had to take a week off.

But in order to recover from a week of me not lifting and posting. Here is a list of things I hate

1. People who are not accountable for their actions or the actions of their piers.
2. The 99% of people who are standing out on WallStreet compaining about their money problems when the rest of us are out either trying to better ourselves or already succeeding.
3. People who brag about stupid "New" or "State of the Art" training methods.
4. People who blame the Economy for their inabilty to get a job. My example here is a certified athletic trainer who cannot find a job in this economy, although athletic trainers are in high demand all over the nation. Get up and Go elsewhere to find a fucking job then.
5. I absolutely hate when people say that they can do anything or become anything they want, but are afraid to take that chance or "Jump".
6. I hate people who are self proclaimed "strong" or independent.  No One falls into this category.  Everyone needs someone or something to make them who they are. 

I realize that some people do not have the abilty to stand up and go out and work for something.  I also realize not everyone can get up and sacrifice things in order to become great.

By no means do I feel like a success or do I think that I am above anyone. I just recognize the fact that I am willing to sacrifice the "average" life to get up and better myself.

I am just an average guy with a load of debt, but I know that I am not going to be happy or feel fulfilled until I have challenged myself through life. 

I was willing to make sacrifices, and I have already lost sooo much in doing so, but I realize that I will not be happy until I have done what others can't.

Here's the number one thing that I feel makes me different.  I worked for an entire year without getting paid.  I was a professional volunteer.  I was/am broke, but I know that all of my personal hard work will lead me to my success.

"Why Settle with Average, when We are Given all the Tools to become GREAT" - wise man

ME squats!!! 11.09.11

All I can say is "I hate concentrated loading and hope to god this will make me stronger."

1. Reverse orange band squat (45 lbs off the bottom) - up to 545x0, get mad, 565x1
2. Back down to 90% 10x1 - 495x1x3, 485x1x7
3. DE Deads - 7x1 @55% (315)
4a. GHR- 3x10
4b. Elevator Row - 5x12
4c. Hanging Alt leg raise - 3x10ea
5. Ice and heat hamstring

Monday, November 7, 2011

ME Bench

Today started my first week of concentrated loading... in layman's terms this means total assault on my CNS.

1. Manpon Press - up to 365x1, 385xmiss (i think i could have gotten it but it was taken from me prematurely in my opinion)
2a. back down to 90% 10x1 - 335
2b. Pullups/ Elevator Row - 5x10 each in between my singles
3a. DB Floor press - 4x8
3b. BB Shrugs - 4x12
4a. DB Rollback extensions - 3x8-10
4b. Straight leg sit-ups with a plate - 3x10

Tomorrow will be a very sore day I feel...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11.06.11 Deads at PITT

Went down to PITT today to do some deads with the strength staff there. Much thanks goes out to Kev, Hank and Adam.

1. Sumo Deads 90% - 4x1 (485)... messed up my math a little using kilos so the second set was 515 lol)
2. OX - 5x5 (deadlift with a safety squat bar on your back)
3a. Leg Press - 4x12 wide, 10 narrow and 15 calf raise
3b. Pullups - 4x10
4. Pulldown abs - 3x12

Tough lift but a great group and a lot of fun.

Bench tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Xtra Lift/ Murder

So as I said in my last post, I asked my wonderful girlfriend to write me up a circuit for today. I knew she would be harder on me than i am on myself, but I never thought she would put together one of the hardest things i have ever done in a weight room. I did 3 of the prescribed 5 rounds, then was going to quit, but did 1 more before officially calling it.

1. 20 burpees
2. 10 lunge to step up per leg
3. 20 barbell rollouts
4. 5 box jumps (~35in)
5. 15 Push Press (95lbs)

After i did the 4rth round I dry heaved for about 3 minutes and then laid on the floor wondering why my girlfriend hated me lol.

Thanks for the ass kicking babe! You are an evil genius ;-)

DE Bench 11.04.11

Today was a weird day, very spacey and didnt have a lot of intensity, but I hit all my numbers and got a lot in.

1. Reactive bench 6x3 @70%
2a. JM Press - 3x6
2/3b. Chins - 70x3, 80x3, 90x3, 100x2, 100x2, 100x2, bwx3x10
3a. Rope tricep pressdowns - 4x12
4a. Rope cable Up row - 3x12
4b. Hammer Curls - 4x10
4c. Barbell Crunch with hold @ top - 95x3x12
5. Barbell Curl - 3x10 just for fun

Hopefully today will be a better lift. Gonna do some conditioning, as written up by my wonderful girlfriend. She challenged me, and I must oblige a challenge

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Birthday Workout

SOOOOOOO... Today is my birthday and I did the following
1. Rumble Roller
2. Stretch
3. Glute/ Hip stuff
4. Medball Game - 5min
5. Barbell Complex x5 @135 (5xRDL, 5xBB Row, 5xFront Squat, 5xPush Press, 5xBack Squat)
6. Band Stretch

I made my softball team to a Birthday Workout... They are out of season and not doing any softball related activities currently.

3x through
24x KB Swings
24x Goblet Squat
24x BW Row
24x DB Curl to Press
24x GHR
24x Hanging Leg Raise
24x Tricep Pressdowns
then do.
24 jump pulls and 3 hill sprints

They had fun and hated me lol

11/2/11 Bench Press is Dumb

Max Bench
1. 135 x 3
2. 185 x 3
3. 225 x 3
4. 315 x 1
5. 365 x 1
6. 390 x 1
7. 410 x 1
8. 415 x F
9. 415 x 1

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

ME Skwatz 11.02.11

1 - Box Skwat (+170lbs chain) - up to 435x1
2 - Back down to 85% - 5x1
3 - DE Deads - 6x1 @60% (345)
4 - RDL - 365x5, 425x5, 475x5
5a - Elevator Row - 4x10
5b - Pulldown abs - 4x12
5c - BB Shrugs - 4x15

Really happy about today. I really feel like I'm making a lot of progress and my goals are in sight.

11/2/11 Max Box Squat

Max Box Squat:
1. 135x3
2. 225x3
3. 315x3
4. 405x1
5. 455x1
6. 495x1
7. 550x1
8. 565xF
9. 565xF

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Xtra Training 11.01.11

Rumble Roller
Static Stretch
Glute/ Hip Circuit
Shoulder Circuit

3x60s Ropes
3x30s March broken treadmill
3x30s Backpedal treadmill
3x10 DB Curl and Press
3x10 GHR situps


Women's Lax Nov Program day1

1a. Pogo jumps for height 6x20
1b. Hip Jump to Broad Jump 6x3
2. Touch and Go Box Squat (to ensure depth) 8x3
3a. Natural GHR 3x6
3b. BW Row 3x20
3c. Pushups 3x15
3d. Band Pullaparts 3x50

Prehab/ Rehab
Fat grip BB Hold, Bulldog circuit, band retraction series, TKE on Airex

10/31/11 Mens Lax

Warmup: shoulder combo, KB Swings, Int/Ext Rotation
1. Power Shrug: 3x 80% for 3, 3 x 90% x 3
2. Dynamic Effort Box Squat: 10 x 2 at 55 %
3. Dynamic Effort Bench Press: 10 x 2 at 55%
4. DB Floor Press: 3 x 10
5. DB Rows: 3 x 10
6. Banded Tear Aparts: 3 x 20
7. Pullups: Reach a total of 50 reps

Absolutely no doubt in my mind that these kids are getting better, stronger, and more disciplined

11/1/11 womens Lax

today's shitty lift.
no energy from the girls
no emotion
no talking
Think it may have something to do with being the day after Halloween
Think it also may have something to do with the punishment they went through on Saturday

Warmup: GPP, hip abduction, goblet squat, shoulder combo
1. Front Squat: 4 sets of increasing percentages up to 85%
2. Sumo Deadlift: They have been picking their own weights and I realized they are not getting better, so I picked the weights:  4 sets of 75% for 5
3a. Pullovers: 3 x 10
3b. Hip Flips: 3x6
4a. Partner GHR: 3x6
4b. Reverse Fly: 3x10
Team Abs: lots of six inches, leg lifts, and planks.